Are you at Risk of Vitamin D Deficiency?

Vitamin D – The Sunshine Vitamin!  Did you see our blog about it yesterday?  Did you see the news and new advice from Public Health England?  Have you seen/enjoyed/heated up in the sun in the UK over the last couple of days?

Well – this one is all for you then.  Yesterday PHE gave us some new advice on supplementing our intake of vitamin D.  D is a strange one as we get it not from the food and drinks we consume, but from sunlight we soak up on our skin.  As we know (although hard to believe this week) we simply don’t get enough sun in the UK – and therefore we simply don’t get enough vit D.

Full PHE press release is here:

The advice from Public Health England was to take a vitamin D supplement during the winter months (Oct-Mar) to boost our intake, and that was especially recommended to at risk groups such as children and the elderly.

Yesterday a new recommendation was given, that ALL of us could benefit from supplementing and we could benefit by taking it year round.

But what does vitamin D do? 

How/where do we get vitamin D?

Why do we need it? 

And why a supplement and not eating the right foods to increase our intake? 

Find out in this weeks blog, which includes the full press release from Public Heath England and the full study from SACN that this new advice is based on.  Click here for Vitamin D blog

And please share your views on the new advice in the comments below or via Facebook and Twitter