3 Basic Ways to Form Healthy Eating Habits

This Tasty Tuesday its simple.   Here are 3 basic healthy eating habits to try.

Are you getting slightly confused/a little overwhelmed this time of year with lists and advice on things we should do, not do, eat and not eat?  21 day detoxing, 30 day ab challenges, 14 day matcha tea drinking…..the list goes on….?!

Yep, me too.  So how about remembering what we already know and actually just doing it?  Taking action on our intentions to be the best we can.

A lot of us (me included) are embarking on a healthier lifestyle this January and eating well is a  big part of it.  That’s great, just don’t be too hard on yourself if by now – yes 10 days in – you think you have already broken all the rules/resolutions you set and you’ve totally blown it.  Don’t despair if you’re bored, hungry and cant be bothered.  Its ok.  Its what we do, we are human.

How about trying the no nonsense way instead?

3 basic ways to form healthy eating habits we should all be able to stick to:  Apart from saying NO to seconds and YES to salads, try these for a no nonsense way to bring on healthy eating habits this year:

  1. Drink more water. 

    It will fill you up, aid digestion, and of course keep you hydrated.  You’ve heard it before, I will say it again – the brain can easily confuse thirst and hunger signals, so a lot of the time you think you’re hungry you are actually just thirsty.  Try a drink first, but remember to eat at regular intervals too.

  2. Do not deprive yourself

    Don’t stock pile for a binge.  Remember healthy is about BALANCE.  Storing up the junk food or only eating it at weekends is prolonging the pain as far as I’m concerned.  Enjoy a little of what you fancy, do not label any foods good or bad and think about MODERATION as key.  A healthy attitude to all food leads to better healthy eating habits.

  3. Write down what you eat/drink.

    Be honest and write down EVERYTHING you consume.  Believe me, if you start this now at the end of the day/week when you look back over your food diary, you will either be proud or disgusted!

There you go – 3 basic, simple, no nonsense tips and tricks.  Tried and tested and results seen every time.  You see – they say there are no quick fixes, but there are 3.  All you have to do it take action and follow them to create healthy eating habits this new year.


To find out more about how no nonsense nutrition can help you prepare and stick to your healthy eating goals, please email : info@nitakothari.com

Want to join us for further help, motivation, support and accountability? 

The annual GET FIT IN FEB  is starting soon!  This year we are extending the community via Facebook and will include healthy eating ideas, recipes, tips and tricks alongside the exercise and activity boosts! 

Please register your interest via email here: info@nitakothari.com via Facebook message or by signing up to the newsletter HERE and we will send you further details of this FREE PRIVATE group


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