How Do You Milk A Cockroach?

Cockroach milk.

You know they say cockroaches and Cher are the only 2 things that could survive nuclear disaster? Well today we discovered a possible reason why this is a good thing (the survival of the cockroaches, not Cher so much – although I love Cher)!  And yep, that’s cockroach milk.

So “How do you milk a cockroach” could be a question we will soon be asking a lot more than you thought due to a recent study, that has found cockroach milk to be so nutrient dense it could be our best bet of a future protein source!

We seem to have a great fascination these days with dairy free milk alternatives and I LOVE most of them. You know I bang on about hemp milk, oat milk, almond milk etc and I have been using them (although I am not lactose intolerant, I am not vegan and I still eat lots of other dairy produce regularly) as I really enjoy the flavours, textures and the addition they make to my coffee and smoothies and ice cream making attempts!

While I’m not yet convinced cockroach milk will be my dairy free alternative of choice, there are some very interesting facts in this recent study:

Here is the research paper:

And the no nonsense explanation and conclusion is in this weeks blog – READ MORE HERE

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